Novin Investment Bank


The combination of two companies, whether horizontally, vertically, related, or unrelated, after the agreement of the board of directors and subsequent approval by the shareholders of each company, is referred to as a merger. The merged company loses its name and identity as an independent entity and continues its operations as part of the new company.


An acquisition occurs when a company purchases a significant percentage of another company’s shares and gains managerial control. Unlike a merger, an acquisition does not result in a change of the company’s name or identity, and both companies continue to operate independently.

Various types of acquisitions include stock acquisition and asset acquisition.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Execution Process

فرآیند اجرای ادغام و تملیک

The relevant fees in contracts are determined initially based on the annual resolution of the Board of Directors and the scope of the work.

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